
Course Description

Advanced Concealed Pistol License Level 2 will enhance the student's decision-making skills through Force-on-Force decision making scenarios which boost their skills that are necessary when confronted with a possible life-threatening situation while under stress. Students will use converted weapons that fire non-lethal projectiles while engaging individuals that may or may not pose a threat. The Oakland Police Academy will provide all protective equipment (full face, throat and groin), marking cartridges, and converted weapon technology manufactured by General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems®. Required Apparel: Students need to wear loose fitting clothing, long-sleeve shirts and long pants, boots or gym shoes. NO EXPOSED SKIN OR OPEN TOE SHOES! NOTE: Students may be required to shoot from various firing positions; standing, kneeling, sitting, prone. The course may include scenarios that may involve movement drills alone or in-concert with other students, reloading exercises and moving to and from cover. Students should also realize that they may be struck by a non-lethal projectile during scenarios. SPECIAL NOTE: Students must have successfully completed the OCC Advanced CPL Level 1 course or its equivalent as other criteria for admittance, the Oakland Police Academy's Firearms Staff reserves the right to admit or deny individuals based on their skill level in previous CPL courses, lunch will be supplied by OCC.
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Section Title
Advanced Concealed Pistol License Level 2
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Jun 07, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
In Person  
Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $135.00 Click here to get more information
Drop Request Deadline
No drop request allowed after enrollment
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
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